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The Allure of Russian Women

On you will find many Russian women – and we think you’ll find them appealing for many reasons. Russian women come from a culture of people who are generally laid back, friendly, open-minded, accepting and not quick to judge. They are beautiful, well-educated and interesting and have a lot to offer a man seeking a long-term relationship. They simply haven’t found what they’re looking for at home.

Most Russians learned English in elementary school and can get up to speed very quickly when in a relationship. Russian women are pleasant to be around. Their highest priority is security and love and they will look at what you have to offer in terms of a different perspective on life, among other things.

Forget Tired Stereotypes

Gone are the days when women sought to flee the Soviet Union by hooking up with a wealthy, older foreign man. The Russian women on are not poverty stricken, lazy or seeking a man to rescue them. They like to work and are ambitious – nowadays you have to offer a lot more than entry to a foreign country to win the heart of a Russian woman.

Russian women are interested in meeting men they haven’t found at home – men who are healthy, intelligent and attractive. They want to fall in love like other women. If you have a lot of money, this alone will not be enough; many Russian women think an interesting personality is as important as other attributes. Of course financial stability is a factor, especially if she moves to your country.

Russians have a high degree of general knowledge and read more than the average Westerner. Russia has a system of specialized professional training that may be superior to that in the West. Russians enjoy theatre, opera and other live performances; those who live in large cities can attend regularly because tickets are not very expensive.

Self Image

Russian women see their futures as wives and mothers, more so than many Western women. The idea of raising a family with a loving husband is important to many women the world over, but the importance of family for Russian women is what makes them special. In Russian society women are expected to marry and have children, but this doesn’t mean they prefer to stay home with the kids all their life. In fact, combining a job with children is perfectly normal for Russian women, though family interests are their highest priority. Career success is not a substitute for a family – marriage and children are central to the self image of a Russian woman.

What they want

Ultimately, Russian women want the same things most women do. They want to find someone to love who will love them back. They value commitment and seek men who are willing and able to commit for the long term. If she moves to your country, your financial stability will be more of a factor, but this doesn’t mean you have to be a millionaire with a mansion. It’s about being able to support her and your children in a comfortable lifestyle.

For Russian women marriage is a union of equals. They are typically happy to work to provide a second income, though may feel uncomfortable with a paycheck that is bigger than yours. Russian women want to be partners, not competitors, and expect to be respected and appreciated.


Russian women enjoy shopping, chatting and other typical feminine pursuits. They are very generous by nature, spiritual and family oriented and do not like taking advantage of people. In general Russian women are much more patient than Western women and can tolerate things others could never bear. Russian women may also have low self-esteem and be insecure, partly a result of years of oppression by men and the state. A Russian woman living in Russia married to a Russian man will rarely leave an unhappy marriage out of fear she won't find another man.


Myths abound that Russian women are infinitely more attractive than other women and that they remain so well into old age. While they like to wear skirts and mini-skirts and may spend a lot of time putting on make-up and selecting the right clothing, when they are relaxing at home, beauty may be in the eye of the beholder.

Age Differences

In Eastern Europe the age difference between partners ranges from 5 to 15 years. So a Western man should not be surprised if he is contacted by women from this part of the world who are up to 15 years younger. This could be due to the following:

  • The demographics in Eastern Europe are such that there are fewer men than women, so it’s harder to find a husband.
  • Women tend to start families early in life – in their early or mid 20s.
  • The educational system in Eastern Europe readies women for stable careers starting at age 24.
  • Eastern European women feel more comfortable with men who are at least 5 to10 years older. They are mature for their age and prefer to marry someone even 10 to 20 years older because with age comes maturity, wisdom, financial stability and the ability to support a wife and children. Often Eastern European women seeking older men have been married once before to a man near their age who was immature and irresponsible.

In general, younger women on are more willing to consider much older men; a woman in her 30s or 40s will likely want a man closer to her age. Also, a woman in her mid- to late 20s will probably want to start a family sooner rather than later, and an older man might be more appealing because of the perceived added financial security.

The rule of thumb is: the greater the age difference, the lesser the chances for a successful marriage. You don’t want to end up with someone who does not have strong feelings for you who is mostly concerned with money and stability.

Try it out – Russian women have a lot to offer

Much of what you may have heard about Russian women are myths. Indeed, we’ve heard from many happy Western men about how wonderful Russian women are. Russian women make great wives because they make the extra effort and are good at adapting to new situations – including moving to a distant country and learning the ways of a new culture. A Russian woman is typically seeking her equal – a man who meets her high standards and excites her heart. If you are that man, dating a Russian woman can be exciting and fruitful for both of you.

We encourage you to read the testimonials from men who have found happiness with Russian women on!